Advanced Tournament Terminology
July 17, 2018 | Karate TerminologyTraining
Here you will find the pronunciation and meaning of various traditional advanced terms you might hear at GKR Karate tournament.
Basic Defensive Terminology
July 17, 2018 | Karate TerminologyTraining
Here you will find the pronunciation and meaning of various traditional basic defensive karate terms you might hear in class.
Karate: A Modern Philosophy
June 27, 2018 | Ethics & ValuesLifeMental TrainingTraining
In writing or reading any literature about karate, what becomes immediately apparent is that karate is different things to different…
Karate Is Character In Action
June 27, 2018 | Ethics & ValuesKidsLifeMental TrainingTraining
Today, thousands of parents from around the world enroll their children in martial arts with an identical goal in mind;…
What Is Karate-Do?
June 26, 2018 | Ethics & ValuesLifeMental TrainingTraining
While there have been countless films depicting martial arts, and reams of material produced to describe it, little has been…
Bushido: Codes for Improved Living
June 26, 2018 | Ethics & ValuesLifeTraining
Moral standards should not just be something we read about in history books and as relevant today as they were…
Performing Your Best Kata When It Counts
May 15, 2018 | KataTournament ArticlesTraining
Angela Uytingco is no stranger to winning under pressure having taken out numerous National and World Titles in GKR and…